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She's Got Moxie

Aug 28, 2019

Gail was first on She's Got Moxie in March 2018 to talk about how she created the Umergency app for college students and their parents' in emergency situations.

"You still have to go back and trust your gut. But many times, people who know a lot in a certain area bring many 'aha' moments to you.” - Gail Schenbaum.

Aug 21, 2019

Originally from Indiana, Christina Stembel found herself in Silicon Valley where it seemed everyone was an entrepreneur. It was while investigating why flowers are so expensive for her employer at the time, Christina started to see potential big bucks in the flower industry. Today, Christina shares all of her tips...

Aug 14, 2019

When Kelly Love’s college roommate, Allison Evans, started having health problems, which led to lots of medications with little or no relief, Kelly was concerned.

"It is totally ok to figure it out as you go.” - Kelly Love.

Learn more about this episode at

Aug 7, 2019

Carly Stein talks about how to build a loyal customer base and a robust social media following, why bees have medicinal properties, how she has overcome her biggest challenges, how she has built an amazing team of loyal and passionate people and much more.

"What you're doing at every single step every single day...